Friday, February 10, 2012

when you love someone

kalo di liat dari judulnya aja, pasti langsung banyak yang ngira gua lagi lopelope,
padahal sih sebenernya ngga,

mumpung hari ini masih di bulan februari, gua mau share nih lagu yang pas banget buat cewe cewe. lagu ini bener bener jadi nasehat buat cewe cewe  yang jomblo dan lagi pdkt sama cowo :)

lagu ini baru gua denger dari sebulan yang lalu :D
hehe, padahal tahun lalu lagu ini uda d aplod ke youtube.

Judul lagunya itu::
when you love someone

gini nih liriknya ::

I love you but it's not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you're still in my dream
And I can't stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence

When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will lose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say... “hello”
And I can't stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

And I never thought that I'm so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can't be wrong
Don't ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way....
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don't ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true...

nah yang mau nonton d youtube, bisa buka linknya ::

endah N rhesa, when you love someone